Javascript – Google Maps API V3 Usage Limits is Per Website Visitor or Per Web Server

google mapsgoogle-maps-api-3javascriptPHP

I'm confused over whether the API usage limits of 2500 geocoding requests per day ( ) and 25,000 Javascript maps per day ( ) are referring to the requests generated by the website visitor or by the web server serving the page that contains the map or makes the geocoding requests?

Best Answer

Last time I checked (2 months ago) the geocoding requests where based per IP, so if you or a person from your same IP address (assuming you are from a corporation that connects to the internet using one IP) does geocoding requests on Google Maps, they are counted together.

I'll look up the page where is explained, EDIT found:

There are limits on the number of geocoding requests per day and the rate of geocoding requests per second that Google will service from a single IP address. By using client side geocoding you ensure that these limits apply to each user individually, rather than to the combined request volume generated by all of your users. It also ensures that the requests are made directly to Google, which will improve the performance of your application.

here the original: