Javascript – Google Maps v3 – Delete vertex on Polygon

drawinggoogle mapsjavascriptpolygon

Google Maps has the Drawing library to draw Polylines and Polygons and other things.

Example of this functionality here:

I want, when drawing and editing the polygon, to be able to delete one point/vertex on the path. The API docs haven't seemed to hint at anything.

Best Answer

Google Maps now provides a "PolyMouseEvent" callback object on events that are triggered from a Polygon or Polyline.

To build on the other answers which suggested a solution involving a right click, all you would need to do is the following in the latest versions of the V3 API:

// this assumes `my_poly` is an normal google.maps.Polygon or Polyline
var deleteNode = function(mev) {
  if (mev.vertex != null) {
google.maps.event.addListener(my_poly, 'rightclick', deleteNode);

You'll notice that any complex calculations on whether or not we are near the point are no longer necesary, as the Google Maps API is now telling us which vertex we've clicked on.

Note: this will only work while the Polyline/Polygon is in edit mode. (Which is when the vertices you might want to delete are visible.)

As a final thought, you could consider using a click or double click event instead. "Click" is smart enough to not trigger on a drag, though using a single click trigger might still surprise some of your users.

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