Javascript – Handling events fired by Property of ActiveX Control in HTML/Javascript

activexevent handlingeventshtmljavascript

The following HTML object represents an ActiveX control that has a property named SubSystemA:

<object id="MainObject"
    width="0px" height="0px"
    <embed name="MainObject"></embed>

SubSystemA is a COM object implementing some interface with methods, properties, and events. SubSystemA's methods and properties are easily callable from Javascript, but since SubSystemA is a property of MainObject, I am not sure how to attach an event handler to SubSystemA's events.

I know of two ways to handle events fired by MainObject:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function MainObject::SomeMainEvent(arg1, arg2)
         // Event handling logic


<script type="text/javascript" for="MainObject" event="SomeMainEvent(arg1, arg2)">
    // Event handling logic

But how would one handle an event for MainObject.SubSystemA?

Best Answer

I found that the following works:

<object id="MainObject"
    width="0px" height="0px"
    <embed name="MainObject"></embed>

<script type="text/javascript">
    function MainObject.SubSystemA::SomeSubSystemEvent(arg1)
         // Event handling logic

and am currently looking for a way to adapt the <script for="..." event="..."> syntax, since it seems to allow later binding where the working syntax does not.