Javascript – Highcharts donut chart customization


I have a license for highcharts and I would like to create a char like the one bellow:

enter image description here

The most similar component on highcharts is the following one:

enter image description here

Does someone know is is posible to replace the PIE inside for just a percent? or some other good client side javascript librarie to do it?

You can find a demo and the API in the following links.




Best Answer

Check about innerSize.

"The size of the inner diameter for the pie. A size greater than 0 renders a donut chart. Can be a percentage or pixel value. Percentages are relative to the size of the plot area. Pixel values are given as integers. Defaults to 0." reference

Than you can take a look this example which shows how to put the text inside the donut chart.

Hope it help you.

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