Javascript – How to call javascript function from code-behind after ajax postback


I'm using Telerik controls in my project and I am using RadTabStrip for my purposes

<telerik:RadTabStrip ID="tsRequisitions" Skin="" MultiPageID="mpRequisitions" runat="server" Width="980"  ScrollButtonsPosition="Right" ScrollChildren="True" OnTabCreated="tabCreated">

As you can see in this template I call tabCreated method every time when new tab has created. Now I want to call some javascript function from server-side(all mentioned is in RadAjaxPanel).

I've tried to use RegisterClientScriptBlock, but it didn't help me to fire my javascript function.

if (!ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("tabSelected"))
                    "tabSelected", "TabSelected();", true);

And I have this in my .aspx file

<script type="text/javascript">
    function TabSelected() {

How can I call my function from code-behind after AJAX postback?

Best Answer

The following code snippet do the trick

RadScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this,this.GetType(), "tabSelectedScript", "TabSelected();", true);

RegisterStartupScript is static method of RadScriptManager class (I'm using Telerik controls here again, but maybe it will work with standart ScriptManager too).