Javascript – How to check value length with using Javascript


Hello everyone I would like to ask how to check value's length from textbox ?

Here is my code :

    function validateForm() {
        var x = document.forms["frm"]["txtCardNumber"].value;
        if (x == null || x == "" ) {
            alert("First name must be filled out");
            return false;

When I run my script yeap I got alert message but I'm trying to add property which control the texbox' input length.

Best Answer

You could use x.length to get the length of the string:

if (x.length < 5) {
    alert('please enter at least 5 characters');
    return false;

Also I would recommend you using the document.getElementById method instead of document.forms["frm"]["txtCardNumber"].

So if you have an input field:

<input type="text" id="txtCardNumber" name="txtCardNumber" />

you could retrieve its value from the id:

var x = document.getElementById['txtCardNumber'].value;