Javascript – How to disable JavaScript build error in Visual Studio 2017

eslintjavascriptvisual studiovisual-studio-2017

I just updated Visual Studio 2017 from RC to final. I didn’t get the following error but recently I get this error. In building the project, I get the following error and it prevents the web project to start:

Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error   eqeqeq  (ESLint) Expected '===' and instead saw '=='.   VistaBest.Shop.Web  C:\***\Request.js   21

JavaScript Error

How can I disable JavaScript building error in Visual Studio 2017?

Best Answer

I think, find the solution:

  1. Open Tools > Options
  2. Navigate to Text Editor > JavaScript/TypeScript > EsLint (in VS2017 15.8 it is Linting not EsLint)
  3. Set Enable ESLint to False

Disable ESlint

Visual Studio >= 15.8.5 Disable ESlint Visual Studio 15.8.5