Javascript – How to get column name from rowselection in an ExtJS grid


I have a extjs gridpanel setup, and I want to be able to do things based on a user clicking on text or icons in the grid. For example, filter the grid if the user clicks (or double clicks) a word in a column, or show a popup if the user clicks on an icon. I can easily get the row they clicked on, and values by column name from that row, but I don't know which column was clicked.

Alternatively, I could add an onClick to the entire grid, which I could then get the individual text from the row/column, but I don't know what row index or column that value belongs to. I could add a CSS class that would tell me a column name, but that seems like a hack.

Is there anything built-in that can do this?

Best Answer

The "cellclick" event on the grid is the way to go. A function listening on this event gets passed:

  • ( Grid this, Number rowIndex, Number columnIndex, Ext.EventObject e )

If you want to get the text of the gridCell, calling yourGrid.getView().getCell(rowIndex, colIndex) will return the DOM element.

If you want to get the column header, call: yourGrid.getColumnModel().getColumnHeader(colIndex)

If you want to find anything else out about a particular column, call yourGrid.getColumnModel().getColumnAt(colIndex)