Javascript – How to have a textarea to keep scrolled to the bottom when updated


My problem is a bit off the cuff here, so I'll try to explain this best I can.

I have a text area, having css of #object{overflow:hidden;resize:none;}. I am trying to prevent it from spawning scroll bar while also resizing itself. This textarea is synced with an external script's console meaning it updates. By default however, it will stay at the top unless you highlight text, dragging off to the bottom of the element. This would be the only way to scroll down other than with arrow keys, naturally.

Programmatically, is there any way to keep the text area down to the bottom upon updating? It would be nice to have it auto-scroll to accommodate its use case.

Best Answer

You can do it by javascript. Set the scrollTop property of text area with scrollHeight property like below:

document.getElementById("textarea").scrollTop = document.getElementById("textarea").scrollHeight