Javascript – How to implement jQuery Sifr Plugin properly


I have been trying all afternoon to get the jQuery Sifr Plugin ( to work, without success. The plugin's site has limited documentation and for something so apparently easy, I'm sure I must be nearly there. I also found some info at but I think it's for an older version of the plugin.

I have made my own font files using the online Sifr Generator ( and also on my own using Flash CS4 and neither seem to work.

Here's my code:

        path: 'http://**.com/js/',
        save: true

    $('.pageInfo h1').sifr({
        font: 'soho',
        debug: true

Now, the "save: true" is not in the docs for this plugin but I did find it elsewhere on the plugin's site, the funny thing is, that without it, nothing happens but with it included, all I get is the default "Rendered with sIFR3" message instead of the text of my element.

The plugin's site also says "It supports sIFR version 2 and version 3 fonts.", what does this mean? Could my font files be in the newer v3 type?

I would really appreciate any and all help.

Thank you in advance

Best Answer

Here I Am!

Sorry for delay. :)

You must specify at least build and version.

Here's a sample:

    build: 436,
    version: 3,
    path: 'http://**.com/js/',
    save: true