Javascript – How to insert a model into a backbone.js collection in a specific index


I need to insert a model into a Collection at position Collection.length-2. The last model in the collection should always stay the last model in the collection.

What I tried so far:

I added one "page" model to the Collection "Pages" and then tried to swap them around by changing their sequence:

var insertedpage =;
var lastpage =;
insertedpage.set({sequence: Pages.length-1});
lastpage.set({sequence: Pages.length});

I also tried to remove the last page, then add a new page and then add the last page back in.

var lastpage =  Pages.pop();
Pages.add({example1: example2});

neither of these worked. The newly added page still appears as last model in the Collection. Do I need to call some kind of order function after this?

Best Answer

Backbone.Collection.add() takes an options object that supports an at key for specifying the index.

Pass {at: index} to splice the model into the collection at the specified index.


Pages.add({ foo: bar }, { at: Pages.length - 2 })