Javascript – How to interpolate a dynamic {{property}} in Handlebars / Ember.js


Say I have a User model in JavaScript that looks something like this:

var User = function(attributes) {
  this.attributes = attributes;

User.fields = [
  {name: 'firstName'},
  {name: 'lastName'},
  {name: 'email'}

User.prototype.get = function(key) {
  return this.attributes[key];

User.all = [new User({firstName: 'Foo'})];

And I want to run it through a Handlebars template that goes through each field on the User class, creates a header for it, and then for each user renders the values:

      {{#each User.fields}}
    {{#each User.all}}
      {{#each User.fields}}

My question is, how do I accomplish that internal part:

{{#each User.fields}}

That's basically doing user.get( How can I do that in Handlebars, given I don't know the fields before hand and want this to be dynamic?

Thanks for your help.

Best Answer

   <div id='displayArea'></div>
   <script id="template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
    <table border="2">
            {{#each Fields}}
          {{#each users}}
            {{#each ../Fields}}
           <td>{{getName name ../this}}</td>

<script type="text/javascript">
    var User = function(attributes) {
        this.attributes = attributes;

    User.fields = [
        {name: 'firstName'},
        {name: 'lastName'},
        {name: 'email'}

    User.prototype.get = function(key) {
       return this.attributes[key];

    User.all = [new User({firstName: 'Foo',lastName :'ooF',email : ''}) , new User({firstName: 'Foo2'})];       //array of user

    //handle bar functions to display
       var template = Handlebars.compile($('#template').html());

                          return context.get(name);
        $('#displayArea').html(template({Fields :User.fields,users:User.all}));

This will solve ur problem using helpers in handlebar JS