Javascript – How to mock functions in the same module using jest


What's the best way to correctly mock the following example?

The problem is that after import time, foo keeps the reference to the original unmocked bar.


export function bar () {
    return 'bar';

export function foo () {
    return `I am foo. bar is ${bar()}`;


import * as module from '../src/module';

describe('module', () => {
    let barSpy;

    beforeEach(() => {
        barSpy = jest.spyOn(

    afterEach(() => {

    it('foo', () => {
        console.log(jest.isMockFunction(; // outputs true'fake bar');

        console.log(; // outputs 'fake bar';

        expect('I am foo. bar is fake bar');
         * does not work! we get the following:
         *  Expected value to equal:
         *    "I am foo. bar is fake bar"
         *  Received:
         *    "I am foo. bar is bar"


EDIT: I could change:

export function foo () {
    return `I am foo. bar is ${bar()}`;


export function foo () {
    return `I am foo. bar is ${}`;

but this is p. ugly in my opinion to do everywhere :/

Best Answer

An alternative solution can be importing the module into its own code file and using the imported instance of all of the exported entities. Like this:

import * as thisModule from './module';

export function bar () {
    return 'bar';

export function foo () {
    return `I am foo. bar is ${}`;

Now mocking bar is really easy, because foo is also using the exported instance of bar:

import * as module from '../src/module';

describe('module', () => {
    it('foo', () => {
        spyOn(module, 'bar').and.returnValue('fake bar');
        expect('I am foo. bar is fake bar');

Importing the module into its own code looks strange, but due to the ES6's support for cyclic imports, it works really smoothly.