Javascript – How to test if two objects are the same with JavaScript


I need a function:

function isSame(a, b){

In which, if a and b are the same, it returns true.
, I tried return a === b, but I found that [] === [] will return false.
Some results that I expect this function can gave:

isSame(3.14, 3.14);  // true  
isSame("hello", "hello"); // true  
isSame([], []); // true  
isSame([1, 2], [1, 2]); // true  
isSame({ a : 1, b : 2}, {a : 1, b : 2}); //true  
isSame([1, {a:1}], [1, {a:1}]);  //true

Best Answer

You could embed Underscore.js and use _.isEqual(obj1, obj2). The function works for arbitrary objects and uses whatever is the most efficient way to test the given objects for equality.