Javascript – How to use nested iterators with Mustache.js or Handlebars.js


I would like to use handlebars.js or mustache.js to iterate over a list of families, and then iterate over that family's members. Inside of both loops, I want to display properties of both. However, once I get into the second iteration, none of the family variables are visible.

{{#each families}}
  {{#each members}}
    <p>{{ ( here I want a family name property ) }}</p>
    <p>{{ ( here I want a member name property ) }}</p>

Is this possible? I'd greatly appreciate any help!

Best Answer

Sorry I'm a little late in the game here. The accepted answer is great but I wanted to add an answer that I think is also useful, especially if you are iterating over simple row/column arrays.

When you're working with nested handlebar paths, you can use ../ to refer to the parent template context (see here for more information).

So for your example, you could do:

{{#each families}}
  {{#each members}}

This was especially useful for me because I was making a grid and I wanted to give each square a class name corresponding to its row and column position. So if rows and columns, simply return arrays, I can do this:

  {{#each rows}}                                                           
      {{#each columns}}
        <td class="{{this}}{{../this}}"></td>


This solution is for Handlebars. A comment below explains why it will not work in Mustache.