Javascript – Html5 Drag and Drop Mouse Position in Firefox

drag and drophtmljavascript

I have an HTML5 application which utilizes drag and drop. Essentially the user can drag an image from a "drawer" onto a canvas to create a larger image. I want the elements to drop in the place where they were release. I have this working in all browsers except Firefox.

On the drop event, I am using the following to get the coordinates of the mouse, and calculate the position of the dropped image within the canvas.

var top = evt.originalEvent.offsetX;
var left = evt.originalEvent.offsetY;

The issue is, this property is not available in FF. Is there any other way to get this? Without it, I can't see how to possible drag and move elements within FF.

Note: I am not using the canvas element. I am dropping images to a div. Not sure if that matters.

Best Answer

Try this in firefox..

var X = event.layerX - $(;
var Y = event.layerY - $(;