Javascript – jQuery Change Div Button States & Click Disable

cssfrontendjavascriptjqueryuser interface

The javascript jQuery code below works, except I would like to add 2 features to the button's state.

  1. When a user clicks one of the buttons, the other button that was not clicked gets a new class (look).

  2. Both button's state should change to unclickable.

[div id="1" class="__button_image"] [/div]
[div id="2" class="__button_image"] [/div]
$("div.__button_image").mouseover(function () {

$("div.__button_image").mouseout(function () {

$("div.__button_image").click(function () { 


Best Answer

Here is final code I went with:

$("div.__button_image").mouseover(function () {

$("div.__button_image").mouseout(function () {

$("div.__button_image").click(function () {

    /** change button look to 'clicked' */

    /** get the id of the current button */
    b_id = $(this).attr('id');

    /** unbind both vote buttons for *no* interaction */

     * wire the .each function to iterate the classes 
     * so we can change the look of the one that was 
     * not clicked.
    $('div.__button_image').each(function() {
      button_id = $(this).attr('id');
      if(button_id!=b_id) {


$(this).parent().css('cursor', 'default');