Javascript – jQuery Chosen – update select list without losing selections


I'm trying to use jQuery plugin "Chosen"

( and

in my project.

What I'm trying to achieve is update list basing on user selection (ajax call (tree based structure))

This is no bigger problem, because i can use .chosen().change(function()) and remove all unused select items and then .append new ones.

Then I can use .trigger("liszt:updated") to update list, but unfortunately all selections are deleted..

Does anyone know a way how to update chosen list without loosing selected data?

In theory I can manually remove all chosen generated

  • elements and then populate with new ones, but then is a problem with getting SELECT "value" data.

  • Best Answer

    This should be fairly simply if you save the items selected. For example:

    <select data-placeholder="Choose a country..." style="width:350px;" multiple="true"  class="chosen-select">

    Now, before updating the chosen, make sure you save the items selected like this:

    var chosenSelectedItems = $(".chosen-select").val(); // this gets you the select value data
    // Update the select items

    This should be able to reset the original values before the change.