Javascript – jQuery load more data on scroll


I am just wondering how can i implement more data on scroll only if the div.loading is visible.

Usually we look for page height and scroll height, to see if we need to load more data. but the following example is little complicated then that.

Following image is perfect example. there are two .loading div's on the drop down box. When user scroll the content, whichever is visible it should start loading more data for it.

enter image description here

So how can i find out if .loading div is visible to user yet or not? So i can start loading data for that div only.

Best Answer

In jQuery, check whether you have hit the bottom of page using scroll function. Once you hit that, make an ajax call (you can show a loading image here till ajax response) and get the next set of data, append it to the div. This function gets executed as you scroll down the page again.

$(window).scroll(function() {
    if($(window).scrollTop() == $(document).height() - $(window).height()) {
           // ajax call get data from server and append to the div