Javascript – 1.4.5 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘concat’ of undefined


I have created a sample index.html file and included the latest jquery (3.1.0) and jquery mobile (1.4.5).

On the loading page the error console outputed: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'concat' of undefined`

on this line:

mouseEventProps = $.event.props.concat( mouseHookProps ),

When I tried include jquery-1.11.2 there was no issue. Can any one tell me why?

Best Answer

Look this Documentation

jQuery mobile is locked to some versions of jQuery! You will find a text of

jQuery Mobile 1.3.0 supports versions of jQuery core 1.7.2 – 1.9.1 and we’re actively testing the upcoming 2.0 version too. We will be keeping in sync with their releases to let you take full advantage of the new goodness.


jQuery mobile now works with 2.x versions too, though version 3 still returns the mentioned error.