Javascript – jQuery – Scripts slow to apply in IE6: Can anything be done


The answer is probably no, but in IE6, jQuery is slow to apply the jQueryUI accordion control, meaning the unstyled links behind the accordion are visible for probably a quarter to a half of a second before the accordion styling applies.

This is highly distracting, so I went ahead and hid the div and had jQuery unhide it when it loads.

The result is still distracting, although not as distracting. You don't see the effect in any modern browser, just IE6.

EDIT: I've updated the site below so that the entire content div is hidden and pops with jQuery. It's arguably worse.

See the result at:

In Firefox or any modern browser, you won't notice a pop effect on the menu, but in IE6 you will notice a distinct popping effect.

Is there any way to improve the time in which the accordion applies, or is this just chalked up to a case of "IE6 is suck :("



I'm using:


To start jQuery, at the top of the page. Perhaps there is another way to speed up the page?

Best Answer

Don't worry about it. You've already achieved progressive enhancement with getting IE6 working. It being slow just comes with the territory of being IE6.