Javascript – jQuery UI Sortable — How to cancel the click event on an item that’s dragged/sorted


I have a jQuery UI Sortable list. The sortable items also have a click event attached. Is there a way to prevent the click event from firing after I drag an item?

$().ready( function () { 
   update: function() { console.log('update') },
   delay: 30

 $('#my_sortable li').click(function () {    

#my_sortable li {
          border: 1px solid black;
          display: block;
          width: 100px;
          height: 100px;    
          background-color: gray;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<ul id="my_sortable">                 
  <li id="item_1">A</li>
  <li id="item_2">B</li>
  <li id="item_3">C</li>

Best Answer

I had the same problem and since my sortable items contained three or four clickable items (and the number was variable) binding/unbinding them on the fly didn't really seem an option. However, by incident I specified the

helper : 'clone'

option, which behaved identically to the original sortable in terms of interface but apparently does not fire click events on the dragged item and thus solves the problem. It's as much a hack as anything else, but at least it's short and easy..