Javascript – Jstree : Create node with custom div


I use the plugin Jstree to manage my menu dynamically.

I have custom my tree with some div to display icons and links :

<li rel="menu">
  <a class="js_menu_titre">
          <p class="jsmenu_titre_taille">Menu_Principal</p>
          <div class="jsmenu_lien">Link</div>
          <p class="jsmenu_icone">Actif : icon</p>
          <p class="jsmenu_action">Actions : icon_action</p>

my problem is that when I want to use the function create node, I don't have my divs anymore. My customs divs are inside the link ()

You can see the result and the problem here :

I use this function :

$("#jsmenu").bind("create.jstree", function (e, data) {
        "operation" : "create_node", 
        "id" : data.rslt.parent.attr("id").replace("node_",""), 
        "position" : data.rslt.position,
        "title" :,
        "type" : data.rslt.obj.attr("rel")
    function (r) {
        if(r.status) {
            $(data.rslt.obj).attr("id", "node_" +;
        else {


and for my add button

function Ajouter() {
    $('#jsmenu').jstree("create", null, "last",{ "attr" : { "rel" : "folder" } });

Best Answer

Try something like this:

$("#jsmenu").on("create_node.jstree", function (e, data) {

html is a var containing your icons code.