Javascript – jsTree load children by ajax


Code posted below loads root elements for my tree by ajax request.
My tree is very large so I can't load all items at once so I need to load elements by requesting children for specific ID's.

How do I load elements by ajax by clicking on node?

            "plugins" : ["wholerow", "checkbox"],
            'core' : {
                'data' : {
                    'url' : function(node) {
                        return "/" + site + "/places/api/tree/list/";


Part of json sample


Fixed version:

            "plugins" : ["wholerow", "checkbox"],
            'core' : {
                'data' : {
                    'url' : "/" + site + "/places/api/tree/list/",
                    'data' : function(node) {
                        return {
                            'id' :

The solution to my problem is that if I want to return children by ajax request I need to return json file which contains:

"children:" true

Best Answer

            "plugins" : ["wholerow", "checkbox"],
            'core' : {
                'data' : {
                    'url' : "/" + site + "/places/api/tree/list/",
                    'data' : function(node) {
                        return {
                            'id' :

The solution to my problem is that if I want to return children by ajax request I need to return json file which contains:

"children:" true