Javascript – jsTree Open a branch


I am using the JQuery plugin jsTree,
I am able to expand the whole tree with the following method:


and also a specific node:

$("#tree").jstree("open_node", $('#childNode'));

I am having difficulty opening a branch of the tree, open branch opens it fine but does not open its parent if it has one.

Has anyone successully done this with jsTree? Let me know if you need more info.



Best Answer

Your code for open branch is correct.

For example. Source of tree:

    <div id="treeTask">
          <li id="node_37"><a href="#">TEST1</a>
                  <li id="node_38"><a href="#">TEST2</a></li>
                  <li id="node_39"><a href="#">TEST3</a></li>

Open node:

$("#treeTask").jstree("open_node", $("#node_38"));
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