Javascript – Open branch when clicking on a node


I'm stuck with jsTree here. So far it works and i can browse and expand nodes with the [+] icon and open pages when clicking a node, BUT i still want it to expand all the immediate nodes whenever someone clicks on a node.

i had a look at around for at least 2 hours but couln't find anything. the official website is not very helpfull because they don't have enough examples, and its not very well documented. had a look at this one, but didn't work for me either:

i didn't even get an error message in firebug

so here is how my code looks right now,
tree init:

$(function () {

function triggered by click on node

.delegate("a","click", function (e) { 
    //click on node
    var page_id = $(this).parent().attr("page_id");
    var idn = $(this).parent().attr("id").split("_")[1];
            dosnt seem to work either...
    $(this).jstree("openNode", $("#node_"+idn));
    $(this).jstree("openNode", "#node_"+idn);
    page = "index.php?page_id="+page_id;
    //location.href = page;

.bind didnt work either:

$(this).bind("open_node.jstree", function (event, data) { 
    if((data.inst._get_parent(data.rslt.obj)).length) { 
        data.inst._get_parent(data.rslt.obj).open_node(this, false); 

does anyone see what i'm missing here…?

Best Answer

You need to bind to select_node.jstree and call toggle_node on the tree instance when it's triggered:

For jsTree versions < 3.0:

$("#your_tree").bind("select_node.jstree", function(event, data) {
  // data.inst is the tree object, and data.rslt.obj is the node
  return data.inst.toggle_node(data.rslt.obj);

For jsTree versions >= 3.0

$("#your_tree").bind("select_node.jstree", function (e, data) {
    return data.instance.toggle_node(data.node);