Javascript – php javascript permissions problem


Kind of a weird problem… not something ive ever run into before.

So, i am using CKeditor, and am creating the upload and browse functions for users to upload and use images in the rich text editor. So, everything works great in firefox, they can upload images, and place them into the rich text editor, and save whatever they are doing to the database.

The problem comes in with IE.

When i try to do the exact same thing in IE (7 or 8), the page returns:

"You have been kicked out from a standard permission violation"

It doesnt load anything, just on a white background, it prints this.

ive broken down to the point that every directory that the script is accessing has 777 permissions just to make sure it isnt something like that… and it doesnt seem like it is the code since it works in firefox.

Honetly, im at a total loss. Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Try testing IE with lower security levels. Tools->Options->Security. Lower the slider down to the bottom and even try disabling 'Protected Mode'. In the Privacy tab you can have a play around with the level as well. Drag the slider to the bottom to accept all cookies. Don't worry you can just click the 'Default' buttons in each of these tabs to restore your protection.

Also something else I just found might help with a workaround.