Javascript – Preventing click event with jQuery drag and drop

drag and dropeventsjavascriptjqueryjquery-ui-sortable

I have elements on the page which are draggable with jQuery. Do these elements have click event which navigates to another page (ordinary links for example).

What is the best way to prevent click from firing on dropping such element while allowing clicking it is not dragged and drop state?

I have this problem with sortable elements but think it is good to have a solution for general drag and drop.

I've solved the problem for myself. After that I found that same solution exists for Scriptaculous, but maybe someone has a better way to achieve that.

Best Answer

A solution that worked well for me and that doesn't require a timeout: (yes I'm a bit pedantic ;-)

I add a marker class to the element when dragging starts, e.g. 'noclick'. When the element is dropped, the click event is triggered -- more precisely if dragging ends, actually it doesn't have to be dropped onto a valid target. In the click handler, I remove the marker class if present, otherwise the click is handled normally.

$('your selector').draggable({
    start: function(event, ui) {

$('your selector').click(function(event) {
    if ($(this).hasClass('noclick')) {
    else {
        // actual click event code