Javascript – Randomizing output in this javascript


I would like to randomize the output of the numbers at the end of this script.
Right now it creates a list of random image names sorted by number, I would like to have the image names shuffled.

Any suggestions?

I'm new to JS and pulling my hair out over this.


function check(value)
if ( value != Math.round(value) || value <= 0 )
        alert("You must enter a positive integer in each input box.");

    function randint( l, u )
// Returns an integer uniformly distributed over l..u.
    return l + Math.floor( Math.random() * ( u + 1 - l ));

function generate( )
var select = parseInt(document.form.num.value);
if ( isNaN(select) || select != parseFloat(select) || select <= 0 )
        alert("The number of random numbers desired must be a positive integer.");
var minval = parseInt(document.form.min.value);
if ( isNaN(minval) || minval != parseFloat(minval) || minval <= 0 )
        alert("The minimum value of the range must be a positive integer.");
var maxval = parseInt(document.form.max.value);
if ( isNaN(maxval) || maxval != parseFloat(maxval) || maxval <= 0 )
        alert("The maximum value of the range must be a positive integer.");

    var index = 0;
    var remaining = maxval - minval + 1;

if ( remaining <= select )
    alert("The number of values to select must be less than the size of the range from which to select them.");

function pad(number, length) {

var str = '' + number;
while (str.length < length) {
str = '0' + str;

 return str;


document.form.out.value = "";
    for ( var i = minval; i <= maxval; i++ )
        if (Math.random() < ( select / remaining))
        document.form.out.value = document.form.out.value + '/Users/poe/images/physics304/Principle_' + pad(i, 5) + '.jpg' + '\n';



Best Answer

To sort a list into a random order you could just do something like this:

someArray.sort( function() { return (Math.random() - 0.5); } );