Javascript – react-router – pass props to handler component


I have the following structure for my React.js application using React Router:

var Dashboard = require('./Dashboard');
var Comments = require('./Comments');

var Index = React.createClass({
  render: function () {
    return (
            <header>Some header</header>
            <RouteHandler />

var routes = (
  <Route path="/" handler={Index}>
    <Route path="comments" handler={Comments}/>
    <DefaultRoute handler={Dashboard}/>
);, function (Handler) {
  React.render(<Handler/>, document.body);

I want to pass some properties into the Comments component.

(normally I'd do this like <Comments myprop="value" />)

What's the easiest and right way to do so with React Router?

Best Answer

If you'd rather not write wrappers, I guess you could do this:

class Index extends React.Component { 

  constructor(props) {
  render() {
    return (
        Index - {}

var routes = (
  <Route path="/" foo="bar" component={Index}/>