Javascript – remove model in collection and fire remove event – backbone.js


how do I remove remove a model in collection and make the remove event fire . I tried people.remove([{ name: "joe3" }]); but it wont work.

var Person = Backbone.Model.extend({

    initialize: function () {
        console.log(" person is initialized");
    defaults: {
        name: "underfined",

var People = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    initialize: function () {
        console.log("people collection is initialized");
        this.bind('add', this.onModelAdded, this);
        this.bind('remove', this.onModelRemoved, this);
    model: Person,
    onModelAdded: function(model, collection, options) {
        console.log("options = ", options);
    onModelRemoved: function (model, collection, options) {
        console.log("options = ", options);

//var person = new Person({ name: "joe1" });
var people = new People();

//people.add([{ name: "joe2" }]);
people.add([{ name: "joe1" }]);
people.add([{ name: "joe2" }]);
people.add([{ name: "joe3" }]);
people.add([{ name: "joe4" }]);
people.add([{ name: "joe5" }]);

people.remove([{ name: "joe3" }]);


Best Answer

For anyone else looking for a remove where, you can simply chain it with a collection.where call. like so to remove all items matching the search:

people.remove(people.where({name: "joe3"}));

see Backbone collection.where

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