Javascript – Set Additional Data to highcharts series


is there any way to pass some additional data to the series object that will use to show in the chart 'tooltip'?

for example

 tooltip: {
     formatter: function() {
               return '<b>'+ +'</b><br/>'+
           Highcharts.dateFormat('%b %e', this.x) +': '+ this.y;

here we can only use , this.x & this.y to the series. lets say i need to pass another dynamic value alone with the data set and can access via series object. is this possible?

Thank you all in advance.

Best Answer

Yes, if you set up the series object like the following, where each data point is a hash, then you can pass extra values:

new Highcharts.Chart( {
    series: [ {
        name: 'Foo',
        data: [
                y : 3,
                myData : 'firstPoint'
                y : 7,
                myData : 'secondPoint'
                y : 1,
                myData : 'thirdPoint'
    } ]
} );

In your tooltip you can access it via the "point" attribute of the object passed in:

tooltip: {
    formatter: function() {
        return 'Extra data: <b>' + this.point.myData + '</b>';

Full example here:

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