Javascript – Speed test between Javascript frameworks reliable


This is pretty interesting, this site runs a speed test and compares all of these;

  • PureDom
  • jQuery 1.2.6
  • jQuery 1.3.2
  • Prototype
  • MooTools 1.2.2
  • qooxdoo 0.8.2
  • Dojo 1.2.3
  • Dojo 1.3.1
  • YUI 2.7.0

Javascript frameworks Speed Comparison

Bases on this it seems like the newest jquery version is almost 2x faster then the older version, however even the newest jquery did not perform that well IMO

Question time:
1. So my question, I am new to
javascript, do you think this test
is pretty accurate?
2. If it is does this even mean
anything in terms of performance or
is it not even noticable?

Best Answer

The fact that the PureDom tests are sometimes listed as being slower as some of the frameworks makes me doubt the accuracy of the measurements somewhat. Or the programming ability of the site makers I guess :P

Especially after seeing these numbers, I'd say functionality, ease of use and community support are more important than the differences in performance. Use what you like, and if you by chance have to do something very performance dependant, do-it-yourself™.