JavaScript text between double quotes


I would like to get the text between double quotes using JavaScript. I found online something like title.match(/".*?"/); but the thing is that sometimes I have text between double quotes but sometimes there are no quotes. What I am saying is that sometimes I receive strings like: Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum and sometimes strings like: Neque "porro quisquam est" qui dolorem ipsum. The thing is, when I have text containing double quotes I want to retrieve the text between them but when they aren't present, I'd like the whole text.
Also I have observered that string.indexOf("\"") does not work and I don't really know how to approach this problem. Thanks.

Best Answer


let str1 = 'Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum';
let str2 = 'Neque "porro quisquam est" qui dolorem ipsum';
let str3 = 'Neque "porro';
let str4 = 'Neque "porro" quisquam "est" qui dolorem ipsum';

function extractFirstText(str){
  const matches = str.match(/"(.*?)"/);
  return console.log(matches
    ? matches[1]
    : str);

function extractAllText(str){
  const re = /"(.*?)"/g;
  const result = [];
  let current;
  while (current = re.exec(str)) {
  return console.log(result.length > 0
    ? result
    : [str]);

// Execution of the functions

//Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum

//porro quisquam est

//Neque "porro


//Array [ "Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum" ]

//Array [ "porro quisquam est" ]

//Array [ "Neque \"porro" ]

//Array [ "porro", "est" ]

EDIT reworked to take into account both @AshishMaity comment in a discarded edit about matching more than one substring, and @JosephCho comment about the original breaking in case there is a single quote (str3 in the case above)