Javascript – the difference between ‘it’ and ‘test’ in Jest

javascriptjestjsunit testing

I have two tests in my test group. One of the tests use it and the other one uses test. Both of them seem to be working very similarly. What is the difference between them?

describe('updateAll', () => {
  it('no force', () => {
    return updateAll(TableName, ["fileName"], {compandId: "test"})
        .then(updatedItems => {
          let undefinedCount = 0;
          for (let item of updatedItems) {
            undefinedCount += item === undefined ? 1 : 0;
          // console.log("result", result);

  test('force update', () => {
    return updateAll(TableName, ["fileName"], {compandId: "test"}, true)
        .then(updatedItems => {
          let undefinedCount = 0;
          for (let item of updatedItems) {
            undefinedCount += item === undefined ? 1 : 0;
          // console.log("result", result);

It seems that test is in the official API of Jest, but it is not.

Best Answer

The Jest docs state it is an alias of test. So they are exactly the same from a functional point of view. They exist both to enable to make a readable English sentence from your test.