Javascript – Visual Studio 2012 JavaScript Intellisense Not Working

intellisensejavascriptvisual studio 2012

I have Visual Studio 2012 installed on my laptop and desktop. On my desktop PC, the JavaScript intellisense is not working. For any method it pulls up (even standard JavaScript calls) I receive the message, "Intellisense was unable to determine an accurate completion list for this expression".

I've tried all of the suggestions from the other posts and tried everything I could find on Google. Nothing has worked. It isn't about not having JQuery Intellisense. I don't get even basic JavaScript Intellisense.


I'd post an image but as a new user it won't let me.
enter image description here

The objects in the above images are simple strings, yet I don't get any help from the Intellisense.

Best Answer

I had the same problem: in Visual Studio 2010 I was used to add a reference in my javascript files, at the top, like this:

/// <reference path="/scripts/jquery-1.7.1-vsdoc.js" />

With the new Visual Studio 2012 this was not working anymore, I looked around and found the solution to put the reference in /scripts/_references.js I did so, not working.

What I was doing wrong was that I was referencing the vsdoc.js file, or at the moment of writing, nuget downloaded jquery 1.9.1 package, reference to jquery-1.9.1.intellisense.js which is WRONG.

The correct reference (if using the /scripts/_references.js file) is:

/// <reference path="/scripts/jquery-1.9.1.js" />

(NOT the .intellisense.js or the -vsdoc.js file).

For the global solution to work on all your projects: copy all the jquery files (main, minified, map, and intellisense one, to be sure) in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\JavaScript\References (adapt the path if you installed Visual Studio 2012 somewhere else) and in Visual Studio, under Tools > Options > Text Editor > Javascript > Intellisense > References > Add a reference to jquery-1.9.1.js (again, NOT the vsdoc or intellisense file, but the main one) as explained in the solution by denas (but it was not clearly said not to point the vsdoc/intellisense file).

Hope this helps.