Javascript – Where is dojo.charting library on AOL site


I am testing dojo charting library. I prefer to use the library from AOL web page instead of installing dojo into my computer. I have the following codes:

<script type="text/javascript">

I got an error saying "uncaught exception: Could not load cross-domain resources: dojo.charting.". I guess that my url to dojo library may not have dojo.charting.. Does any one know what is the correct URL? Is there any way to browse AOL site to find out what libraries available?

Best Answer

First of all like Jarret said: dojox.charting.

Second of all: the "wildcard loading" is obsolete since Dojo 0.4. You cannot use dojo.require("some.package.*") anymore. You have to be explicit about what you need.

The best you can do is to hit the charting docs and tests to see how to do it right for your particular needs — you didn't give out any hints of what you are actually trying to do.