Javascript – Will HTML5 allow web apps to make peer-to-peer HTTP connections


Is it possible to create a web app that, with the help of a central server, could create direct connections with other users of the same web app? I'm imagining a process similar to UDP hole punching.

I've read about the new WebSockets API in HTML5, but it appears you must initiate the connection with a WS-compatible server before the fully-duplexed connection can begin. I'm thinking moreso about a process to make direct connections between clients, with a server getting involved only in the initial handshake.

NOTE: Java applets don't count. I'm interested only in standard browser technologies.

Best Answer

Instead of intelligent guesses, here is an informed answer:

HTML 5 plans to allow peer to peer connections from javascript, but these connections WILL NOT BE RAW TCP.

The complete spec can be found at


EDIT: with specific reference to peer to peer connections, check out these links:

Its important to note that the capabilities are still being negotiated. It will be nice to be able to create "local chat" web apps :)
