Jenkins and Groovy and Regex


I am very new to using groovy. Especially when it comes to Jenkins+Groovy+Pipelines.

I have a string variable that can change from time to time and want to apply a regex to accomodate the 2 or 3 possible results the string may return.

In my groovy code I have:

r = "Some text that will always end in either running, stopped, starting."
def regex = ~/(.*)running(.*)/
assert regex.matches(r)

But I receive an error in the jenkins output:

hudson.remoting.ProxyException: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.util.regex.Pattern.matches() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String)

I was able to create a pretty nifty jenking groovy while loop in a pipeline job i am creating to wait for a remote process using the regex info here and a tip in a different post (do .. while() in Groovy with inputStream?).

                def r = sh returnStdout: true, script: 'ssh "Insert your remote ssh command that returns text'
                println "Process still running.  Waiting on Stop"
                println "Status returned: $r"
                r =~ /running|starting|partial/

Best Answer

Straight-forward would be:

String r = "Some text that will always end in either running, stopped, starting."
assert r =~ /(.*)running(.*)/
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