Jenkins detects SVN changes but doesn’t update workspace


I'm using Jenkins 1.461 and I have an issue when using SVN polling. My repository URL has the form svn+ssh://*****. I've configured Jenkins to poll for changes every 5 minutes. What happens is that every 5 minutes, changes are detected :

Started on May 2, 2012 8:26:24 PM Received SCM poll call on for
XXXXXXXXX on May 2, 2012 8:26:25 PM
svn+ssh://X.X.X.X/svn/XXXX/XXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXX/trunk is at revision
26,192 (changed from 26,181) Done. Took 2.6 sec Changes found

But, the workspace is not updated after each poll. The last revision of the workspace is still 26181 and not 26192 as expected. I don't understand why. Any idea?


Best Answer

Are the clocks on your Jenkins and SVN server in sync? If the clocks are off by even a little, strange things will happen. I do not use SVN much myself, so I do not remember if this was one of the symptoms but it would be good to start by checking the clocks.

Easiest would be to install ntpd on both hosts, configure them to sync against the same source and forget about it. If you do not have an ntp server in your organization, check

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