Jenkins – Echo off in Jenkins Console Output


I'm following guideline how to sign Android apk with Jenkins. I have parametrized Jenkins job with KSTOREPWD and KEYPWD. A part of Jenkins' job configuration (Build->Execute shell) is to take those parameters and store them as environment variables:

./gradlew assembleRelease

The problem is when the build is over anybody can access the build "Console Output" and see what passwords were entered; part of that output:

08:06:57 + export KSTOREPWD=secretStorePwd
08:06:57 + KSTOREPWD=secretStorePwd
08:06:57 + export KEYPWD=secretPwd
08:06:57 + KEYPWD=secretPwd

So I'd like to suppress echo before output from export commands and re-enable echo after export commands.

Best Answer

By default, Jenkins launches Execute Shell script with set -x. This causes all commands to be echoed

You can type set +x before any command to temporary override that behavior. Of course you will need set -x to start showing them again.

You can override this behaviour for the whole script by putting the following at the top of the build step:
#!/bin/bash +x