Jenkins: GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling


I try to configure Jenkins. I want a simple behavior: trigger a build on new pull request.

So, I created a job and configured it, but I checked the checkbox for:
enter image description here

And as you can see nothing is dropped down.

If I click the question mark on the right side, I see:

If jenkins will receive PUSH GitHub hook from repo defined in Git SCM
section it will trigger Git SCM polling logic. So polling logic in
fact belongs to Git SCM.

But where is the "Git SCM section"?

Best Answer

You need to configure the webhook on your GitHub repository. Then, on every commit push, Jenkins will be notified.

So, open your repository in the browser, then go to Settings > Webhooks and add a new one.

enter image description here

Then, enter the URL of your Jenkins instance followed by /github-webhook and select the other options depending on your needs:

enter image description here

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