Jenkins Pipeline Conditional Stage based on Environment Variable


I want to create a Jenkins (v2.126) Declarative syntax pipeline, which has stages with when() clauses checking the value of an environment variable. Specifically I want to set a Jenkins job parameter (so 'build with parameters', not pipeline parameters) and have this determine if a stage is executed.

I have stage code like this:

stage('plan') {
  when {
     environment name: ExecuteAction, value: 'plan'
  steps {
     sh 'cd $dir && $tf plan'

The parameter name is ExecuteAction. However, when ExecuteAction is set via a Job "Choice" parameter to: plan, this stage does not run. I can see the appropriate value is coming in via environment variable by adding this debug stage:

stage('debug') {
  steps {
     sh 'echo "ExecuteAction = $ExecuteAction"'
     sh 'env'

And I get Console output like this:

[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (debug)
[Pipeline] sh
[workspace] Running shell script
+ echo 'ExecuteAction = plan'
ExecuteAction = plan
[Pipeline] sh
[workspace] Running shell script
+ env

I am using the when declarative syntax from Jenkins book pipeline syntax, at about mid-page, under the when section, built-in conditions.

Jenkins is running on Gnu/Linux.

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

Best Answer

Duh! You need to quote the environment variable's name in the when clause.

stage('plan') {
  when {
     environment name: 'ExecuteAction', value: 'plan'
  steps {
     sh 'cd $dir && $tf plan'