Jenkins: update SCM without triggering a build

buildcontinuous integrationhudsonJenkins

We have an SCM-controlled project that polls a repo every several minutes. Overall the workflow is great but occasionally I need to push the new changes to the server's repository without triggering a build in Jenkins (for various reasons: long builds, minor changes, concurrent commits etc).

I have already set up a quiet period, and sometimes I just start and stop the build (which is awkward), so the Jenkins pulls the changes and does not trigger the build later.

So, is there a plugin of any sort that allows either:

  • Manually cancel the future build (before it's triggered by SCM poller)
  • Manually update the project's SCM repo without triggering a build?

Best Answer

You have many solutions to do this :

  1. Instead of polling your SCM and trigger a build on change, you can do it another way. You can make your SCM decide if the commit should trigger a job or not. Have a look there for an example
  2. You could try to use the "Excluded Commit comments" property in Subversion extended properties of your job, this way, you could avoid to trigger builds on "useless commits".
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