JPA how to remove parent without delete children


I'm trying to remove a parent, but I keep getting a Foreign Key violation. If I put Cascade.ALL in the parent, it delete the children too. And it's now what I want.

I have my parent class : Docteur

//bi-directional many-to-one association to Patient
    @OneToMany(cascade={CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.DETACH}, orphanRemoval=false, mappedBy="docteur")
    private List patients;

and my children are : Patient

I put that

    private Docteur docteur;

but in my case, the patient choul only have one Docteur.

In my Manager class. I try lot of things that didn't work

here my latest version

Clinique clinique = read(clinique_ID);
Docteur docteur = entityManager.createNamedQuery("getDocteur", Docteur.class).setParameter("clinique_ID", clinique_ID).setParameter("docteur_ID", docteur_ID).getSingleResult();




Here the error that I get :

Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (jerabi_asteriskdb/Patient, CONSTRAINT FK340C82E5A10F077E FOREIGN KEY (docteur_DOCTEUR_ID) REFERENCES Docteur (DOCTEUR_ID))

Best Answer

You get a foreign key violation because the database checks that every docteur_id in the patient table refers to a valid docteur. This is the whole point of foreign keys. The database ensures that you don't delete a docteur still referenced by patients.

In order to delete your docteur, you must ensure that no other record in the database references this docteur_id. So, you must update all the patients of this docteur and set their docteur_id to null :

Docteur docteur = entityManager.createNamedQuery("getDocteur", Docteur.class).setParameter("clinique_ID", clinique_ID).setParameter("docteur_ID", docteur_ID).getSingleResult();

for (Patient patient : docteur.getPatients()) {

Also, all the attached (persistent) entities are automatically updated by Hibernate. There is no need to persist and merge them. Read

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