Jquery – Ajax using https on an http page


My site uses http and https protocol; it doesn't affect the content. My site uses jQuery ajax calls, which fills some areas on the page, too.

Now, I would like to do all ajax calls over https. (please dont ask me why :))
When I am on a page with https protocol, ajax requests are working.
When I'm on a page with http protocol, I get a javascript error:
Access to restricted URI denied

I know that this is a cross domain problem (in fact, it's a cross protocol problem), and I know that I should use the same protocol in ajax calls as on the current page.

Still, I want to all ajax calls to be https, and call them on a page that was served over http.
Is there any workaround to achieve this (some json/proxy solution?), or is it simply impossible?

Best Answer

Add the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header from the server

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://www.mysite.com
