Jquery – ASP Classic inline code + jQuery: How to do ajax call


I've working on a large asp classic site and trying to introduce couple of new vbscript function that will be triggered from jQuery based on some event, after which jQuery will do a partial update of the page.

My question is: If all the code (ASP classic vbscript function + html and jquery) are all in the same file (there are many vbscript functions in this page), how can i make a ajax call to a function in this page, get it to be processed on server and respond back.

So for example:

                    Function  checkUsername( ....)
                    end function

                    Function  checkCredentials( .... )
                    end function
                $( "#username" ).blur(function() {
                    var username = $('#username_field").val();

                function checkUsername(usr) //the function that loads pages via AJAX            
                        type: "GET",
                        url: "WHAT TO PUT HERE?????",
                        data: usr,
                        cache: false,   
                        success: function(msg){
            Username: <input type="text" name="username" id="username">

Best Answer

You can't directly call a VBScript function from jQuery/JavaScript/AJAX per se, but you could just pass a URL variable that triggers your ASP code to run a specific VBScript function and then stop.

I'm not too familiar with the jQuery ajax function, but if you specified something like the following:

    type: 'GET',
    url: '<%= Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") %>?u=' + usr,

It should call your page again with the username passed as the u query string variable. Then, somewhere near the start of your ASP code, you'd want to do something like this:

    Dim strUser
    strUser = Request.QueryString("u")

    If Len(strUser) > 0 Then

        ' Write an ajax response based on this user...
        Response.Write ...

        ' Stop processing...

    End If