Jquery – Controls in UpdatePanel losing JQuery Events


I have a button that is within an updatepanel control. The button's click event has a function defined for it through JQuery. Once the async postback completes the JQuery event fails to fire when the button is clicked subsequently. What do I need to do to correct this behavior and maintain the JQuery event attachment to the button's click event once it has been refreshed asynchronously?

Best Answer

put your jquery event handler binding inside the following function

function pageLoad(sender,args) {

    // binding code here, for example
    $('#button').click(function(e) {
        // do something when the click event is raised


pageLoad is executed after every postback, synchronous or asynchronous. pageLoad is a reserved function name in ASP.NET AJAX that is for this purpose. $(document).ready() on the other hand, is executed only once, when the DOM is initially ready/loaded.

See this Overview of ASP.NET AJAX client lifecycle events