Jquery dialog height & width issue


initially i am showing jquery dialog with fixed height and width at center of page. now i want to put a div with lots of html content inside the dialog. now i want to dynamically increase dialog height & width according to the div height & width with animate function but i want that dialog should stick at the center of page.

when dialog open first time at center of page and later if i change the height & width then dialog is not position at the center of page. so help me with concept that how to force dialog stick at center of page when height & width will be increasing with animate function.

this way i am working with dialog….here is my small code

 $(document).ready(function () {

             autoOpen: false,
             bgiframe: true,
             height: 85,
             width: 330,
             modal: false,
             draggable: true,
             resizable: false,
             position: 'center',
             show: {
                 effect: "fade",
                 duration: 1000
             hide: {
                 effect: "fade",
                 duration: 500
             open: function (type, data) {

if possible then please show me the trick with sample code. thanks

Best Answer

OK, would this work, assuming nothing about how the element is resized?

    var $host = $("#idOfParent");
    var hostHeight = $host.Height();
    var hostWidth = $host.Width();
    // center dialog on screen
    this.left = (hostWidth - this.width) / 2
    this.top= (hostHeight - this.height) / 2
