JQuery – error updating JScript Intellisense


i have searched similar posts on google & stackoverflow to no use.
Basically, what i have is a new aspx page. I have the following files referenced in the head section.


UI Version: 1.7.2 for jQuery 1.3.2

I have nothing else going on in the page but still get the error 'error updating JScript Intellisense. I am using VS2008 SP1. Any ideas?


ps: VS shows intellisense if i refer to 1.4.1.js & 1.4.1-vsdoc.js

Best Answer

Phew! Issue Resolved. Finally found a solution here.
Step 6 did it for me.

Update: the above link is now dead! I think the error is "Error updating JScript IntelliSense: 'div.childNodes' is null or not an object" & i think step 6 refers to fixing this error in one of jscript files.